From the monthly archives:

July 2011

My Parenting Fear, Part 874,897, subsection IV

July 7, 2011

Last month I struggled somewhat with Young Ladrinka. We all know how much I love him, but it seems that he has positioned himself in the role of the Grand Victim and it’s making me insane. “You don’t know what my life is like,” he’ll say dramatically. “What is your life like?” I ask. And […]

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Country Mouse

July 6, 2011

at my parents’ bucolic dacha, in upstate New York, with my husband, kids, stepson, parents and in-laws, if you can read between the lines. Everything was wonderful and couldn’t have been better and at no point during the decade long weekend did the vein in my forehead start to throb like a fucking time bomb, […]

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Today My Daughter is Thirteen

July 4, 2011

and I celebrated by telling her that she was terminated from our joint writing projecteffective immediately. It was very, if you’ll forgive me, liberating. Why? Because I waited and waited and waited for her to come through with her part of the work and she never did. Something about school, and tests, and a trip […]

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July 2, 2011

If you are a blogger and a social media enthusiast (which I hope means addicted to Twitter) and you are married to a luddite (which I hope means someone who is not those things) I really recommend testing your marriage by describing a Twitter fight to your spouse. Because if the two of you can […]

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