I’m back  home from BlogHer in midtown NYC and my ego is now enormous. Because I was chosen to read one of my posts for the Voices of the Year of the Community Keynote.  This means that I read my post, about gaining twenty pounds in front of a kazillion people.  It’s really shocking that I remained cardiologically intact.
Before I went on stage, I had a well-timed panic attack. Â Because I could not decide whether to bring my glasses or not on the stage with me. Â I mean, Â I don’t normally need them to read short, brilliant pieces, but what if I underwent an episode of hysterical blindness and couldn’t read my post? Â BlogHer would be ruined! Â But on the other hand, what if I brought my glasses but then remained sighted and didn’t need them? Â People might think that I was a pretentious asshole who carried spectacles with her!
I’m pretty sure that the reading itself was the pinnacle of my blogging career. I was part of the BlogHer Keynote, it’s all downhill from here. So I might as well start slacking off.
And I’ll definitely start slacking off, but later, because right now I don’t really have time for it. Â I am so, so grateful for having had the opportunity to read my post in a huge room with some two thousand people, and I am so thankful to everyone who came up to me afterwards to tell me that they enjoyed the reading and give me a thumbs up. It meant a lot to me and I’m basking in it. Although, would it have killed anyone of them to say, “how could you have gained twenty pounds?! Why, but you’re just a slip of a girl!”
I know that there will be drama about BlogHer, about how some people felt snubbed, how others felt overwhelmed, and I’ll put good money that there will be some people who stir the pot for sport. I’ll definitely try to jump into the mix, because it is irresistible, but for now, I’m just so, so grateful for the opportunity to have been part of the Keynote and to have  had it acknowledged that humor is important.
Thank you.
One year ago ...
- Dating After Divorce - 2015
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Twitter: AmazingGreis
August 8, 2010 at 10:49 pm
So glad you had a great BH. I was cheering for you from my couch. I heard you rocked your reading. So proud! Still so bummed I wasn’t there to see you in person again.
congratulations! wish i could have been there to hear you read it!
smiles, bee
You were the highlight. It was a treat getting to hear you read (and also listen to your panel).
Plus, you *are* just a slip of a girl.
I am so happy for you!! What an amazing experience! But with your talent and sense of humor, how could they not choose you? You are the best!
Still bummed I had to miss the party, but my daughter was in distress and needed my Supreme Mom Powers to save the day. And boy did I!
Twitter: threegirlworld
August 8, 2010 at 11:12 pm
I was hyperventilating the entire time you spoke. EXCELLENT stuff. And if you gained twenty pounds, I guess you needed too — you’re runway!
Twitter: Glamamom
August 8, 2010 at 11:33 pm
Great to meet you, Marinka. You’re even better in person, which I can’t say about everyone (I’m happy to get the stirring started 😉 Take care.
Twitter: houseofgirls3
August 8, 2010 at 11:43 pm
I smiled ear to ear hearing you read your post aloud. It was exactly how I pictured it sounding. It was awesome…. making it SO worth coming to BlogHer.
So happy to have met you.
Twitter: gdrpempress
August 9, 2010 at 1:38 am
I thought about you, and how wonderful this is and how surreal it must’ve seemed to be up there. What a point in your life to be in right now. I thought how people love you b/c you are real, and likeable, and so humble. I’ve been following you for over 2 years, just for these reasons.
I can imagine everyone shouting “martinka! martinka!” and your eyes misting up, thinking, “I never imagined my life would be such as it is.”
You did a stellar job reading that post, so your ego definitely deserved to gain 20 pounds. And the whole time you were up there I really was thinking, Wow, she looks slim in that red dress. Well, that and, “Hope they have an open bar at the party.”
Twitter: homeanduncool
August 9, 2010 at 2:00 am
I apologize for not hearing your speech. My ears were still ringing from all that “vagina, vagina, vagina”ing.
Twitter: nicole_pelotn
August 9, 2010 at 2:01 am
I was so in awe to meet the actual Mouthy Housewives (well, three of them) that I was too nervous to tell you that yes, unbelievable and you are just a slip of a girl indeed. Party was awesome, and thank you for rescueing me from lonely spot pretending to text on the couch. A perfect host and mom.
You totally rocked it, Marinka! It was so nice to see you again – you were one of my rock star sightings this year! xoxo
Twitter: FairlyOddMother
August 9, 2010 at 8:53 am
I make it a point not to talk about weight with someone I’m meeting for the first time, but the next time I see you, I’ll wolf-whistle and say “hot damn, mama, you look f-iiiiiiiiii-ne”.
I just need to get the first too-polite intro out of the way first.
Loved your community keynote reading.
What is the date of the post you read? I wanted to read it again.
Twitter: SheSuggests
August 9, 2010 at 11:54 am
How exciting, congratulations on your success! I think it’s every immigrants dream to read about weight gain in a public arena. I am well on my way to reaching my dream as well….forty pounds up…just waiting for BlogHer2011 to call me!
Hey Marinka! Please excuse earlier stupid question. Brain dead today. And that WAS a great post….esp when the anti-semitic dr decided you should be bi.
Twitter: Carolynonline
August 9, 2010 at 12:55 pm
You are as amazing in person as you are online. A tricky feat. Great seeing you again!
Twitter: Stimey
August 9, 2010 at 2:19 pm
You did a kick ass job reading it too. But now you have something to be bitter about: all the assholes who refused to call you scarily thin.
You’re a rock star.
You were FANTASTIC at BlogHer!! I loved the post you read! Glad to have found your blog 🙂
I hope that this new ego will let you go through many doors……
Twitter: wendiaarons
August 9, 2010 at 5:27 pm
Wait–you were one of the Voices of the Year? I must not have been listening the 500 effin times you may have mentioned it.
I would have mentioned that it was impossible that you had gained twenty pounds, but I don’t like to lie. You are gorgeous and talented and so svelte, darling. I was SO, so, so very thrilled to sit and here you read that post. Perfection.
Twitter: BigPieceofCake
August 9, 2010 at 5:57 pm
People always talk about having a “a voice” while writing a blog. And it definitely struck me while listening to you read that your blog voice is very authentic. I’ve been reading your posts for about 2 years now, and it they truly express your personality (and charm and beauty and skinniness of course). Not some made up persona styled to appeal to the masses. You just *are* funny and likable and relatable and it comes through in your work. You SHOULD have a “huge ego” for taking the spotlight at BlogHer. I’m so happy that I was there to see it.
Hello Marinka – I read your blog religiously each night on my Blackberry that won’t let me comment. I was looking through *scarymama* flickr stream and found you there. All this time I imagined you as a fabulously fiesty brunette; imagine my surprise to find that gorgeous blond associated with the name! No matter what hair color you have, “You ROCK” woman!
Twitter: missbritt
August 9, 2010 at 6:20 pm
Did you hear me scream for you from the front row when they announced your name? Probably not because you were back stage, but I wanted you to know that you were being cheered on.
Also, I wanted everyone in the room to think that I was friends with a popular blogger.
I’ve never met or seen you, but I could just TELL that you are a slip of a girl.
Any pics of the event?
Twitter: rimarama
August 9, 2010 at 7:26 pm
Wish I could have been there!
I LOVED hearing you read.
the first time
That whole recreation for the coffee crowd at Starbucks might’ve been a tad much, however.
Maybe if you’d just skipped the headset and back up singers.
Twitter: momstowork
August 9, 2010 at 10:03 pm
You were a great discovery at BlogHer. Fresh, funny … oh, wait that was someone else. Seriously, I thought you were hilarious. Now I have a whole new optimistic approach to wait gain. Thank you so much for the inspiration.
Twitter: momstowork
August 9, 2010 at 10:04 pm
Ooops, I did mean weight in the previous comment. Please edit and take pity on me.
You rocked the reading, Marinka! It was the highlight of the weekend!
And as for your teeny tiny size, I am so sorry I didn’t mention it when I had the honor of meeting you! I guess I was just flustered. What I meant to say was, “Markinka, please be warned about the strong water pressure of the Hilton’s showers. You are such a slip of a girl you might slide right down the drain.”
you gained 20 pounds????!! what were you before, zero???!!
Okay, that was so you could keep your ego enormous. Hope you enjoyed all the question marks and exclamation points.
I’m still ticked that I missed your cresting moment.
You were brilliant and OH SO FUNNY and I was like…. OMG IT’S MARINKA I LOVE MARINKA!!! You rocked, lady. I am thrilled that we met! And the Mouthy party was AMAZING. xoxoxo
Oh – wish I could have heard it. Would have related.
You are a genius-super-model, obviously.
And Jesus Christ, just eat something already, will you?
I miss you. So there.
Twitter: Issascrazyworld
August 10, 2010 at 5:35 pm
You did a great job friend. Truly.
You rocked that stage in your all your skinny glory! Kate is right – you write in your own voice, and it came through loud and clear. I almost peed my pants laughing so hard the first time I read that post, and AGAIN listening to you read it. So glad I got see it – and to attend your FABULOUS party! And panel!
Congratulations, I’m proud of you! and great choice also, I remember laughing hysterically throughout and then using the word adornments for days after my initial reading.
It was great to meet you Marinka – and loved your reading – although when you turned sideways to walk onto the stage at BlogHer you disappeared for a while. They do say that the stage adds ten pounds too, you know.