Here’s the Thing

by Marinka on April 9, 2009

I never intended for this to be a “humor” blog, but since many of the people who are kind enough to read this blog laugh at it, here I am.

But this is a bad week to be funny for me. Because my friend’s father passed away on Tuesday, after a difficult illness and Maddie Spohr, Heather and Mike’s daughter, passed away on Tuesday, unexpectedly.  
I will not try to be profound, because I don’t like to fail miserably in front of an audience. 
I am asking you to click on that link on the left to sponsor me in the March of Dimes Walk in NYC on April 26th.  Or, if you’re semi-local, please join me and walk with me.  We’ll get coffee  afterwards.  Or something stronger, because I’m certain that we’ll be parched.
I know this economy sucks.  Please, I’ve been scrubbing my own fucking toilet.  But if you’re able, please make a donation.
And to encourage you–two people who sponsor me will get to assign a topic for me to blog about.  How is THAT not rewarding? (Disclaimer: it can’t be “write a post incorporating your mother’s maiden name, your social security number and explaining why you’re such a Jew-whore.”)  One person I will pick randomly and the other will be the biggest donor.  I may also want to marry those people, so keep some money aside for the wedding. And the divorce settlement.
Thank you.  

One year ago ...

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