This week I learned that I’ve been cast in the Listen to Your Mother – NYC show. Which means that I’ll be one of the readers for the Listen to Your Mother Show in NYC on Mother’s Day, May 12th, in NYC (where else?!).
I couldn’t be happier. Because getting to read my story in front of kazillions people is an exciting and amazing opportunity. I can’t tell you what I’ll be reading (the producers really lawyered up with all these clauses) but I can tell you that I’ve seen the cast list and I’m so honored to be included. And nervous. Obviously I’ll be imagining everyone naked to soothe my nerves.
In the coming weeks I’ll have rehearsals and everything which is also new and exciting for me. I’ve already thanked all the little people who helped me get to where I am today and told Husbandrinka that I’m a huge star and will probably be getting a much younger boyfriend and he said something like “good luck to him!” so he’s adjusting to the new normal as well as he can, poor thing.
If you’re anywhere near NYC on Mother’s Day, please come see the show. You can buy tickets here. And for a small extra fee, I promise that I won’t imagine you naked. (On the day of the performance only, let’s see where things take us otherwise.)
Tip: Don’t miss today’s Mouthy Housewives post. Not only are we Mouthing Off about Mattel treating mothers like morons, but we’re also giving you tips about how to play with your sons. Enjoy!
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Twitter: jodifur
March 6, 2013 at 7:48 am
Congrats! I’m in the DC cast and I’m just thrilled there is a MARINKA and a JODIFUR in the casts somewhere!
Congratulations–you’ll be amazing and I know, because I heard you last year at Mom 2.0! With I could be there! xo
You were a rock star before this but now ever MORE so. Congrats and welcome aboard!
Twitter: 1chicklette
March 6, 2013 at 8:44 am
Congrats! Hope it’s a wonderful experience.
Wow, famous, and not only with us!
I will actually be naked that day.
Congratulations, you incredible woman!
Congratulations! SO excited (about the reading part, not the naked part!)
Twitter: BigPieceofCake
March 6, 2013 at 5:10 pm
Just saw this in the most random of places…my google reader! I never check that anymore (as much as I mean to every day). But I certainly did have perfect timing. Looking forward to watching you online. Unless of course, I can convince Chris to send me to NYC for an all expenses paid Mother’s Day weekend shopping and spa vacation…Ha!
congratulations! But really, that was a given!!
Twitter: whatnowandwhy
March 6, 2013 at 9:05 pm
Congratulations; it’s well deserved and I can’t wait to watch you, naked from my home. It’s called support.
yay, so exciting! congrats!
I’d love this announcement even more if you were coming to Minneapolis to read for us. Naked of course.
So thrilled for you!!!
And also Booooo because I can’t be there.
Taking all the self control I have to not hop on a plane for this.
Money? I’d charge the whole thing if I don’t talk myself out of it. Really: ALL MY FAVORITE INTERNET WOMEN WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!
DYING, just dying.
Twitter: suburbanjungle
March 7, 2013 at 8:21 am
If anyone belongs on that stage, it’s you. I can imagine your dry flawless delivery now! congrats crazy woman…
Congrats, Marinka! I’m sure you’ll be wonderful – wish I could be there to hear you in person.
Twitter: AnnaLefler
March 7, 2013 at 9:47 am
Fantastic news, Marinka! Congratulations!!
I just hope you remember to pay tribute to Nicki. You wouldn’t be where you are today without her.
Twitter: peaceloveguac
March 7, 2013 at 10:22 am
Yay! So great! Wish I could be there in person to see the awesomeness…will be there in spirit.
Congratulations, Marinka! (Little slow making my way around the internet… ) Very much looking forward to hearing you read!
Twitter: Midlifemixtape
March 7, 2013 at 11:38 am
For once, I’m laying the smart ass routine aside to say: Congratulations, Marinka! I am thrilled for you. You’re going to be great (and so is the rest of the cast – what a group!)
Now, to re-robe.
Twitter: annsrants
March 7, 2013 at 12:49 pm
Yeay!!!! Congratulations!!! This calls for prayers and cake.
Congrats! And now we know what you’re thinking when you get that abstracted look on your face in book group.
Just got my ticket, couldn’t imagine a better Mother’s Day than hearing your story–Maybe if I went to a tropical paradise…
But this is the next on my list!
Add my congrats to the legions..