Some Celebrity Sightings Are Better Than Others

by Marinka on November 24, 2009

This afternoon, I saw Amy Ryan (Holly, The Office) and Patricia Clarkson (please tell me you know who she is, ok, fine The Green Mile, Six Feet Under) on the corner in the West Village, giving each other a quick hug.

For a moment I thought, “hey, maybe I should join them? I mean, what’s one more! We’re all sort of blonde, and are the same age, sort of, in kindergarten that was totally enough for friendship!” But then I thought better of it.

And I’m sorry, but I’ll never post photos. I totally fail as stalkarazi. Mostly because I am too shy to ask to take a picture and I never take anything without asking. That’s how you can tell me and Bernie Madoff apart.

(Sorry, btw. This is not supposed to be on the Homepage. It’s supposed to at the Celebrity Sightings Tab. Please standby as I try to figure it the fuck out.)

One year ago ...

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Beth November 24, 2009 at 6:17 pm

You have a celebrity sittings tab?!

When I visited NYC (only once – so far), I saw Mike Wallace. You know, the guy who tells us what is news. I took a picture of his back. You can so tell it is him.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..The post where I get to make fun of a friend =-.


Marinka November 24, 2009 at 7:22 pm

I do have a Celebrity Sighting tab. As soon as I put it up, I immediately stopped spotting celebrities. I’m pretty sure that Hollywood hired Amy and Patricia to meet me on the corner so that I wouldn’t be sad.
Wow! Mike Wallace! Would you consider doing a Celebrity Sightings guest post on this blog?!


Nicole November 24, 2009 at 8:43 pm

Shit, nothing ever happens here in my part of Colorado! Never get to see anyone exciting or anything.

I dont know if I would have the nerve to ask either, but I WILL take a pictures from afar weather they like it or not. But since I will never get that chance, I wont worry too much about it.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Philippa Gregory =-.


Maggie May November 24, 2009 at 9:42 pm

that is awesome. i love patricia clarkson.
.-= Maggie May´s last blog ..there is no arguing with you =-.


The Stiletto Mom November 24, 2009 at 11:24 pm

I saw that red headed dude from 30 Something at a Cowboy game recently (hey, let’s not judge on either level). Loved that show and immediately ran up and asked if I could take a picture with him. He was thrilled given that he is D list now, I was thrilled because we never get even D listers in Dallas. A winning situation all around…sort of. 🙂


Kathy November 25, 2009 at 2:53 am

I once saw Dr. Ruth skiing in Park City. She is really old and short!


Kate Coveny Hood
November 25, 2009 at 9:21 am

Um – The Station Agent, High Art (she was awesome as Greta the druggie). I think she was even on Frasier. Great actress. Maybe a bit too skinny? But then again, I’m maybe a bit too not skinny – so live and let live I guess.

I’m very jealous of your NYC celebrity sightings. DC politicians are not so exciting. Of course I never recognize anyone and require others to point them out, so possibly the NYC celebrity sightings would be wasted on me. Probably best that I live in the nation’s capital where I can walk past the random celeb-political activists in blissful ignorance.


Jessica November 26, 2009 at 2:43 am

I once saw Patricia and told her how much I really loved her work and I meant it b/c trust me I would never approach Erik Estrada with the same line and she said thank you in a way that you’d have thought I told her that b/c she was standing there, I would not make a poop like I’d wanted to


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