
by Marinka on February 11, 2010

Listen, I wrote two posts yesterday, so I’m taking today off.
But not before I extract a pound of flesh from you.
And if you’re like me, you can afford it.
(If you’re not like me, I’ll just take a few ounces).

1. As you may know, Wendi, Kelcey, Aunt Becky and I have proposed to host a room at BlogHer in NYC, called Dear Abby 2.0. It will be fun and funny. I’ll bring the pork roast. And maybe mama and papa.

Whether you’re planning to be at BlogHer or not, we’d really appreciate your support. Just click here, log in to BlogHer (you do need a Blog Her account, but it’s free! And very slimming!) and click that you’d be interested in attending this session. It would mean the world to me. Well, that part of the world that is not war-torn and/or dying of famine.

2. Plan to come to a Mouthy Housewives’ Happy Hour! It will be at BlogHer, on August 6th, details to follow. Join our Facebook page to stay in the loop. That way you’ll know if Wendi insists on making it Jagermeister-only and will be able to lodge a prompt complaint. Please sign up! I can’t wait to meet you at the Happy Hour, and be all, happy, for an hour!

One year ago ...

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