Yesterday, Husbandrinka and I celebrated 12 years of happiness. He doesn’t read my blog, so I don’t have to do a tribute to him on here, but I think we can all agree that he is some kind of a saint for putting up with me.
So instead of heaping praise on him, I watched Nicki vomit throughout the day. She’d scream a little, then vomit, then sit under my bed like she knows that I know that cats on their deathbeds do. Husbandrinka does not react well to vomit, feline or otherwise, so he was no help. Well, he did say “this is going to cost us a fortune, isn’t it?” which turned out to be mildly prophetic.
Finally, at around 5, I took Nicki to a 24/7 animal hospital in our neighborhood. They triaged her, telling me that her gums were pink and healthy, so fortunately we can cross periodontal concerns off our list of things to worry about. Then they outlined a treatment plan, which included blood work and an xray and if necessary an ultrasound and exploratory surgery. They didn’t specifically mention gene splicing, but I had a hunch that it would be offered if the need arose.
After a long visit, which I broke up by going out to dinner with Husbandrinka and toasting Nicki’s health with some beverages, I went to pick her up.
Diagnosis: Vomit. Bloodwork: Pristine. Xray: No kitchen utensils visible. Diet: Restricted. Bill: Yes.

Hi! I'm the vet bill! Please don't show me to Husbandrinka!
One year ago ...
- That Loving Feeling - 2014
{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }
What’s needed here is universal cat health care. Cats have medical bills too. A cat could easily have it’s litter box repossessed with bills like that.
I can’t read the bill, but once spent $6000 on my Great Dane at one of those 24/7 “We can cure anything if you have enough plastic” places. Did they make you pay in advance? That is the part I like best. Like, if we had planned for this, we would hardly be at the middle of the night emergency clinic, now, would we? I know that my comments are supposed to be irreverent and funny,but most of those places make me crazy. On the other hand, they did save my dog. I’m glad Nikki is well (really think you should give her a little more time on your blog, I am still thinking about the whole ghosthunting thing and the refrigerator). Of course, I have a very dull life….
I think I’d be under the bed, vomiting.
Really, for the price of that vet bill, you could have flown me to NYC to make a house call on Nicki. I bet I know what’s wrong with her. Plus? I would clean up the vomit.
Pets will be the death of us. Our yellow lab (before he passed away earlier this year, bless his soul) cost my family thousands of dollars. Three surgeries, numerous other problems. Pets. Hope Nicki never gets sick again!
PS Happy Anniversary!
I think she’s having body image issues. Feline Bulimia often goes undetected. Look closely, is she wearing a proana bracelet?
Twitter: sftc
October 26, 2009 at 7:30 pm
Nicki should be proud to know that her barf is so valuable. Glad her gums are OK.
Twitter: mommywantsvodka
October 26, 2009 at 7:44 pm
She is one fancy cat.
Twitter: Peajaye
October 26, 2009 at 7:47 pm
i think Nicki, as a kitten, used to belong to roman polanski and he belonged to that website for people who Love their pets, and Nicki is just now recovering. but if you ask polanski’s lawyer, he’ll tell you that Nicki doesn’t want you pressing any charges.
Twitter: PopandIce
October 26, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Well, I’m glad that Nicky has come through the ordeal ok. Hopefully if she’s going to act up again, she’ll do it during the week. When it’s cheaper. Somewhat. Gah!
Happy Anniversary!
Just what I asked Obama for, socialized medicine for domesticated pets.
I feel ya pain my dear. I had a diabetic dog for 2 years … the vet bill was excruciating.
I might suggest … that you mosey on over to the ASPCA site and check out some feline health insurance, it’s cheap … much cheaper than a multi-hundred dollar vet bill.
Twitter: wendiaarons
October 26, 2009 at 11:00 pm
Have you been letting Nikki watch “The Girls Next Door” again? You know she always pukes when she sees the girls tongue kiss Hugh.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
October 26, 2009 at 11:06 pm
So how much was it???!!
Cat vomit = So gross.
Damn, I love India…..
What a sad way to celebrate your anniversary.
BTW, did they check for diabetes? Our cat died from too-late-diagnosis of diabetes, and it cost us the equivalent of 2500$, which is a lot more in Israeli moneys.
627 dollars??? I don’t even like wasting Neosporin on my kids!!!!
Happy Anniversary!!! Hubs and I celebrated 13 yrs together on the SAME date! If you tell me you went to see the Phantom on Broadway in 2006 I’m gonna DIE!! I was thatclose and didn’t meet you!
October 30, 2009 at 2:23 pm
I’ve done the Pet ER and gotten the terrible bill. It was enough to almost put me in the real ER with a heart attack. The worst part was that one of the times I went they were all, “Yeah, we can’t treat your kitty. You’ll have to wait until the morning and call your regular vet. But here’s a $500 bill for us to diagnose his problem.”
I could have easily taken that trip to Hawaii that I’ve been dreaming about with all the money I’ve spent on my boy cat.
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