
by Marinka on January 27, 2012

You’ll be relived to know that yesterday’s clogged toilet dilemma was resolved when Husbandrinka came home and taught me how to flush the toilet. Apparently, I haven’t been holding the handle long enough. He said I have to hold it until I see “the whirlpool action” which makes toilet flushing sound almost exotic. I’m very worried that the fact that I had to be schooled in this subject means that when people ask “who is the idiot for whom self-flushing toilets are designed” the answer is Marinka.

But anyway.

To celebrate my new toilet wisdom, I am sharing some Up Close and Personal Q&A over at The Mouthy Housewives. There’s even a photo! Of me!

And more great news (for me).

I joined the Million Moms Challenge Community as a Community Leader. I am honored to be invited and a little bit nervous. Hopefully there will be no toilet flushing test or anything.

Today is my first conversation over there, about the challenges that sometimes come with breastfeeding. It’s a different thing than what I usually do, so I hope you’ll visit me there.

Have a great weekend! (Is it me or was this week endless?)

One year ago ...

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