
by Marinka on February 20, 2012

This weekend we decided to get a puppy.

Young Ladrinka and I.

Here’s what happened.

We went to PetCo to get some cat food (for Nicki, although times are tough, so you never know) and we saw a bunny for sale.

A bunny for sale! We said to each other.

Look at his floppy ears!

Aww, cute!

Hey, wouldn’t it be great to get a dog?

We agreed with each other that it would be great to get a dog.

We haven’t had a dog since Mavis, my beloved Basset Hound, died. Young Ladrinka was three then.

We can get a Basset Hound and call it Mavis Jr., Young Ladrinka said.

That settled it.

We would get a Basset Hound and call it Mavis Jr., I decided.

By the time we left PetCo, Young Ladrinka introduced the possibility that we would get a Yorkie instead of a Basset Hound and name it Fuzzball instead, but I dismissed that as crazy talk.

As we approached our happy home, I realized that I forgot about Husbandrinka, my personal Sword of Domacles.

I don’t think your dad wants a dog, I said.

We’ll work on him, we agreed.

Honey, I started gently, Young Ladrinka and I have something to discuss with you.

And that something is we want to get a dog, Young Ladrinka tiptoed in.

Over my dead body, Husbandrinka said. We filed that under “let’s keep talking”.

We tried logic.

Dogs are really doggy! Young Ladrinka said.

We tried reason.

Let’s just go and look at some Basset Hound puppies, I said. Maybe the kids won’t even like them.

Husbandrinka didn’t even respond. It’s like he’s some kind of a hostage negotiator. Without a heart or regard for his family’s happiness.

But we are on a mission.

We want a puppy and the happiness that it will bring our family.

Not to mention the blog fodder.

(This post was inspired by my wish for a puppy and by Jennifer’s post.)

One year ago ...

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{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }

Quart February 20, 2012 at 1:15 am

Forget blog fodder. I think it’s time for another book. Perhaps the $ale$ potential will convince Husbandrinka?


February 20, 2012 at 7:16 am

We were at PetCo looking at bunnies this weekend too..but we had no dog dreams. Thank god. And I think our 2 cats would eat the rabbits.


Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes February 20, 2012 at 7:34 am

Please keep me updated on the different steps you take to succes, I’ve been truying to convince my husband to get a dog but I’ve been unsuccesfull so far. Which is probably for the best, since my cat would surely eat the puppy.


Rebecca Grace February 20, 2012 at 10:03 am

Yes, puppies are doggy and cuddly and lovey, but I recommend you thoroughly brainwash your husband into thinking it is HIS idea and HIS puppy before you bring a furbaby home. The puppy will pee on the carpet, chew up your husband’s favorite pair of shoes, or even (as my rottie pup, Lulu the Terrible, did last night, chew up one of the rooks to his expensive carved rosewood chess set). When these inevitable acts of destruction are discovered, it is best if the dog is your husband’s best friend instead of the damned dog his wife brought home and foisted upon him against his will! 😉


The Mommy Therapy
February 20, 2012 at 10:11 am

You need to get that dog.

I spent two hours searching dog rescue sites and forcing the laptop in to my husband’s lap every time I saw an adorable picture, which was often. This didn’t go well, because I guess he was working or something like that, but I’ve decided we are getting a dog. It’s happening.

Unless my husband keeps being really annoyed.


ladyday February 20, 2012 at 10:22 am

Have another baby. It’s less work in the long run. And eventually they toilet themselves and will take care of you in your doddering old age (if you train them properly).

Puppies? Will eat your shoes.


February 20, 2012 at 9:41 pm

But from what I hear, babies eventually grow to not like you. And it sounds like that’s sucks.

Dogs always like you. Eventually they stop eating your shoes.


Jennifer, Playgroups are no place for children
February 20, 2012 at 10:45 am

We spent all weekend talking about getting our own puppy, but we STILL cannot make a decision!

If you get a basset, though, I’m done for. I cannot resist the cuteness of a basset puppy! (What I’m really saying is: get a basset so that I can’t resist, okay?)


dusty earth mother February 20, 2012 at 10:49 am

GET A PUPPY, for the love of all that is blog fodder! Please forward this to Husbandrinka!


February 20, 2012 at 11:03 am

This would have been a great “I’m right, you’re wrong”. Looking forward to hearing about the continuing debate, as you wear down Husbandrinka’s resolve!


b a seagull
February 20, 2012 at 11:50 am

sounds like you’ve got him almost convinced.


Tonya February 20, 2012 at 11:51 am

I see your problem. You are treating Husbandrinka as if he has a say. Treat him like a toddler. Give him 2 choices: the one you want and a ridiculous option. Suggest that you are getting a new pet. It will either be a cute little puppy or a dirty chicken that craps everywhere.


Anna Lefler
February 20, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Two words: Do. It.

Side note: Four years ago we got not one but TWO puppies. Like, at the same time. Since then we have replaced everything in our family room as well as most every rug in the entire house. We haven’t gotten around to replacing the chewed baseboards yet – we might move instead. Also, we have dropped many thousands of dollars on vet maintenance for these healthy, thriving little critters.

My (obvious) point here is that dogs rule. And also, if I have to, so do you.

But mostly the ruling part.




February 20, 2012 at 5:07 pm

Maybe not a puppy…lots of extra work…but a dog that is about one year old…still trainable but a little less work?

Take him to a rescue? My husband melts every time.

Teach your kids to cry on command ever time they hear the word “puppy”?


Shana February 20, 2012 at 10:34 pm

I think you should tell Husbandrinka that a puppy will teach Young Ladrinka responsibility…husbands always like tools…even teaching ones so I hear. And if nothing else, it can be something to hold over Young Ladrinka’s head if, say, he wants something.

Young Ladrinka – Mom, I want to go to the zoo.

You – Sorry, but you haven’t been doing your puppy chores lately…maybe next time.

Saved! From a trip to the zoo…or wherever else doesn’t serve martinis that Y.L. would want to go.

Good luck!


February 21, 2012 at 4:16 am

My son said it is about time you wrote a book about Wanted Dog!


February 21, 2012 at 10:45 am

When a husband says “Over my dead body” that really means: “I can be persuaded with beer.” When a woman says “Over my dead body,” it really means over her dead body.


joeinvegas February 21, 2012 at 12:35 pm

You’re in a tiny New York apartment – get something appropriate, like a chihuahua or one of those wigs on rollers like the one that won the show. It would keep you busy brushing it.


Mary February 21, 2012 at 2:04 pm

My best friend and I were pregnant together. That was ten years ago. Now she has the boy and the dog and I have the girl and the cat. I tease her because she’s literally become a dog person. She tells me stories about how cute the dog is and what cute thing he’s done recently. The other day we had lunch together and realized we were actually swapping pet stories. UGH!! So beware. All pets are a hassle, no matter what but the real problem is you fall in love with them and worry about them and behave like people you never thought you would. But then you know that already because you’ve had a dog before. Good luck!


February 21, 2012 at 4:19 pm

I have two adorable badly behaved dogs if you ever want one. =)


Deborah J February 22, 2012 at 6:02 am

Domacles…Damocles…whatever. (I’m not the spelling police..today.)
…but hey I understand there was a horse in that story.
How big is your appartment?


February 22, 2012 at 12:19 pm

Keep working on them… It sounds like he could possibly cave at any minute 🙂 There’s no greater gift than a dog’s tail wagging and welcoming you home. I can’t wait to have my own soon. But for now, I visit my parents and play with their little guy whenever I have the chance.

Stopping in from Alexandra’s place 🙂


the mama bird diaries
February 22, 2012 at 1:31 pm

I’m with your husband. Don’t get a dog. You’ll have to walk it for gosh sakes. Like a lot! But if you do get one, write a book about him.


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