As you know, it’s been Husbandrinka’s Birthday Gift Indecision Central around here lately. To recap: He wants a chain saw, I want to remain undead. (And yes, he also wants a camera, but that tidbit doesn’t help with today’s post, so forget all about it, ok?)
So: Husbandrinka wants a chain saw and I don’t want to get it for him. Which means that I’ve had to brainstorm about what to get for him.
Obviously, dilemma.
But sometimes the answer is right in front of you, if you’re willing to think out of the box. The litter box, that is:
Because while placing a recent order for Nicki, I noticed that the gift wrap option is available for both the litter and the dry food, although sadly not for the Beef & Chicken nor Turkey dinners. Now admittedly, I never before considered gifting litter, but now that my eyes have been opened as to that option, it’s hard to close them again.
Mostly because I’m terrified someone will give me the gift of litter.
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Do they deliver in Belgium? I have a few people to whom I would like to gift litter…
Beware the regifted litter….
Twitter: waitinthevan
July 26, 2012 at 7:13 pm
I don’t think there is a chainsaw in all of Manhattan. Except for some Mattel ones, maybe?
Wait, you’re undead?! I always knew something was up with you, Marinka! MY SUSPICIONS, CONFIRMED.
Twitter: marta28
July 27, 2012 at 9:46 am
Who gifts kitty litter?! I mean. I suppose even if you were celebrating a holiday with your cat don’t you feel like your cat might want a cool new toy, a scratching posts, a shiny new color not somewhere to take a crap? I don’t know, I don’t have cats.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
July 28, 2012 at 8:23 pm
Cat litter is $17?!!! OMG. Why does anyone own a cat? Or want another one?