From the category archives:


The Friendship Club

April 28, 2013

When you get to be my age, it’s hard to make new friends. I used to blame myself. Maybe it was my personality. Either that or my general dislike of other people. I know it’s hard to believe, but some are really turned off by that. I don’t get it either. Assholes. But I now […]

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LTYM vs. Baseball

April 13, 2013

Here is a conversation that we’ve been having at our house lately. Me: So as you’ve probably heard, I’ve been cast in Listen to Your Mother, so I’m basically a huge star. Everyone else: … Me: I don’t blame you for being stunned. Although it was really just a matter of time before I was […]

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April 7, 2013

When it is all over, you won’t believe what a big deal it was. By Sunday night it’ll just be a story that you tell your friends and other parents and blog about and it’s a blip, an anecdote, an “you-don’t-say?” But on Sunday morning, when you tell your son that his baseball bag is […]

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Saturday Night Special

October 1, 2012

Saturday night  is Husbandrinka’s turn to cook which means that at 7 pm I’m starving and he’s saying things like “any ideas about dinner?”  Needless to say I am too weak to answer so I just shoo the flies away from landing on my lip. “Why don’t we go out to eat?” he suggests after […]

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May 30, 2012

Husbandrinka and I were looking at some old photos recently and reminiscing. It’s funny how two people who share a life, and so much history can see such different things when looking at the same photo. “Oh, honey, look at this one!” Husbandrinka tilted his screen towards me so that I could admire a photo […]

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I Can’t Free-Range My Kids. Should I Try?

November 6, 2011

I’m in a mood. Generally, when it comes to parenting, I feel like I know what I’m doing. Not perfectly, not cockily, but I have a sense. I know what the experts are saying, I talk to my friends, to my parents, but mostly I let my gut guide me. I set boundaries, I say […]

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September 8, 2011

On Monday night, I watched “Children of 9/11” on NBC. I knew it would be painful, but as with all things connected to 9/11 I have yet to strike the balance between preserving my heart and my sanity and honoring the people whose lives have been shattered by not looking away. It’s fallacious reasoning. It […]

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How To Take The Escalator

August 19, 2011

So, you’ve decided to take an escalator! Congratulations! This is going to be an awesome day. Just follow these simple instructions and soon you’ll be on your way, either up or down! 1. Walk onto the escalator. Do not pause in front of the escalator and ponder your life, this week’s episode of Project Runway […]

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