So apparently when you’re talking to a friend and make an innocent suggestion, like “maybe you should consider some psychotropic medication” and she says, “Yes, but won’t it affect my real personality so that I won’t really be me?” and you say, “I wouldn’t be too worried about that if I were you”, it gets filed under “obnoxious” rather than “helpful reassurance”.
Good To Know
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{ 29 comments… read them below or add one }
Ha! How is that not helpful? Geez, some people are so sensitive.
That’s hilarious!
Oh, shit. If I get what you’re saying, does that mean I need psychotropic drugs?
Who said that, anyway?
Sure it’s helpful reassurance!! Better living through modern day drugs! She must understand that! Better drugs, better her! Maybe you should get all Dr. Phil on her and say..”How’s your ‘real’ personality workin’ for you, huh?”
LMAO!! Lisa
That would SO be me!
Yeah … I would actually take that as ‘helpful reassurance’ … it’s always helpful to KNOW one is spending a bit of time in crazytown.
Oh my. If you were my friend I would abuse your blunt honesty all the time and unleash you on people that need a big healthy dose of reality.
LOL, good ‘note to self’ then….
Good to know. 🙂
Sometimes you just can’t win, can you?
Is alcohol a pyschotropic drug?
Really, all we are is a very complex set of chemicals combined, so what’s the big deal? Sheesh..
LOL!!!!! I HAD to chuckle silently to myself at that post!!!!!!!!!!!
If you can’t take helpful advice then just Dang I guess. You tried.
I’m sure she took it to mean “you’re annoying but since I’m your friend still, it can’t be THAT bad.”
Bet you can’t tell her that her shoes are so last year either.
Geez, some people are so touchy.
Hilarious! Thanks for a Sunday-evening chuckle — but sorry your friend thinks you’re obnoxious.
File that under : Note to Self…..
Word of warning: they don’t like lobotomy suggestions, either.
How can that not be useful information?
seriously? cause if said some kinda shiz like that to me, i would of been like, “damn, you mean that vitamin “z” is doing the trick? where’s the damn xanax then?!?!?!?” the nerve of people.
Priceless… but I feel for you. I have a tendency to cross that line myself. I heard it put once as “honesty undiluted by tact” :o)
See – these are the kind of tips that keep me coming back to your blog.
Thanks for the nifty little link. I now know what “psychotropic” means.
That puts me in immediate danger of blurting it to somebody. So thanks for the tip, also.
Noted. Thank you for the insight.
Your (‘re) such a big fat meanie head!
Even our closest friends can’t be truthful 99% of the time; and just look where it gets you to be in that 99%!
i, for one, think it’s lovely that you and daughter are such good “friends.” and i’m certain that as she matures, she will come to appreciate your honesty and wisdom.
You need to hang out with less touchy friends.