Letter Writing is an Art Form

by Marinka on August 13, 2010

Young Ladrinka came to an appointment with me the other day.  The reasons range from I had nowhere else to place him to I mistakenly misunderstood that where I was going was one of the Safe Haven places where young mothers can drop off their children without any criminal repercussions.

Before we entered the office, I had a mini-talk with Young Ladrinka that touched on the importance of being polite to everyone, and Young Ladrinka reassured me that if anyone talks to him, he’ll just say, “beat it, punk,” but then he added, ” haha, just kidding” so I understood that we were on the same page.

For the most part, he sat where I seated him and played with his iTouch.  But after five minutes, he announced that he was bored with a capital B.  This of course was Not Good News, so I quickly produced a pad and pen for him to write a letter to grandma.  He protested but I told him that he would not get to do anything fun until he wrote a page long letter.  He got right on it.

Because in this day of emails and  texts and handwritten letter is a real treat!


Okay, now that you’re done smiling internally at Young Ladrinka’s antics,  I have to tell you about a contest that one of The Mouthy Housewives’ party sponsors, 8th Continent Soymilk is running.  Don’t worry, it doesn’t have a bathing suit component.  Not that that would be cause to worry, of course.

Anyway.  The contest is Nice Job, Mom, and it’s about those less-than-stellar mothering moments.  Anyone who enters is eligible to win a great prize, a room makeover, in August, September and October.   The grand prize is a trip from  Caravan Tours!  Please enter (you can vlog it or do a written entry) and then give me a link to your entry so that  we can all enjoy it and vote for you!  I’m working on my submission!

Also, don’t miss The Mouthy Housewives today.  Wendi and I have our first ever co-startting roles!

One year ago ...

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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

elenka August 13, 2010 at 8:20 am

Smart kid.


A Mom on Spin August 13, 2010 at 8:24 am

I think my less-than-stellar motherhood moment DID have a bathing suit component. . .


the mama bird diaries
August 13, 2010 at 9:31 am

Your son is quite a wordsmith.

I’m still trying to decide which humiliating parenting moment I should submit to the 8th Heritage Soy Milk “Nice Job Mom” contest.


the mama bird diaries
August 13, 2010 at 9:32 am

I’m still wondering why your ring was in that fruit bowl.


dar August 13, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Oh my… YOU are really going to have your hands full….in a few years!!! LMBO that’s hilarious and Very creative!!


soccermom August 13, 2010 at 12:53 pm

I think its a damn shame that letter writing isnt big anymore. I have some very nice stationary that needs to be used up.


August 13, 2010 at 5:45 pm

What a thoughtful letter. I’m sure she will love it. Especially if she normally checks out the large print versions of books from the library.


tracey August 14, 2010 at 11:16 am

I wonder where he gets that smart aleck quality from??? Hmmm….


dusty earth mother August 14, 2010 at 7:53 pm

I think four words is a pretty stellar letter-length for a kid his age.


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