You’re sick of hearing about BlogHer, aren’t you? Well, it’s almost over. Except.
I had a real epiphany this year, while on line at the hotel Starbucks, which is more expensive than any other Starbucks in NYC because they have a hotel surcharge.
Here is my epiphany.
I don’t go to BlogHer for the conference. Not for the panel, not even for the Keynote (did I mention that I was Voice of the Year). Not for the parties, and not for the flutes of delicious champagne.
I go because my daily life is busy and I desperately miss friendship. Of course, despite my personality, I have friends. I have friends that I email and have lunch with and go out to dinner with, see movies together and celebrate with. But I don’t have the daily permeation of friendship. Mostly because I live in the real world and not in a sitcom. I don’t just walk down the hall and see Lisa, or Ann or Maura and have a little chat that makes everything better even if we are talking about nothing. Especially if we are talking about nothing. And I certainly don’t have bedtime banter with Wendi in my everyday life, which is a real loss, because before Wendi fell asleep she told me, “it’s time for me to dream about Bieber now. That he’s my son,” and that kept me up another twenty minutes thinking about how unfair it was that she got the last funny of the day in.
I am so lucky that I had this time with these lovely people.
But today I need to remind myself that friends need to show up not just to laugh, but to support each other in other ways, too.
Today I’m showing up for my friend Kevin. I’m copying and pasting an email that he sent me (because plagiarism is just another word for friendship!) I hope that you will read it and participate.  It takes like a minute. Please do it.
I gave away 400 business cards about Cure JM trying to win a $250,000 Pepsi Refresh grant to people at BlogHer in NYCÂ this past weekend.
Our application has jumped No. 6 to No. 4 in the days since.
If you would indulge me a moment, I’d like to quote the theme song to Team America: World Police:
“Fuck, yeah!”
Now, more than ever, we need your votes, Tweets, Facebook messages, blog posts — whatever it takes to help get Cure JM to No. 2 by Sept. 1 and win that $250,000 grant for disease research.
In addition to just the money, our all-volunteer nonprofit would also receive from Pepsi a free year of consultation with a nonprofit specialist who will help us with future fundraising, grant writing and other projects to make Cure JM a more efficient and effective organization.
I’ve known two kids, one less than 2 years old, who have died from complications of juvenile myositis in the 8 years my daughter has been fighting this rare autoimmune disease that attacks the major muscles, joints and blood vessels. That’s not many, but it is enough.
As a disease that only 3 in a million kids a year are diagnosed with, we receive very little attention or money to research JM’s cause and cure. $250,000 would be half of the $500,000 we have raised in the past year all through volunteer fundraising, and all that money would go straight to research projects and the doctors who perform them.
If my words aren’t convincing enough, take a look at these videos (the first one I did, the second is by people who know what they are doing):
Cure JM Pepsi Refresh entry video (3 min):
Cure JM fundraising video (5 min):
So, please — help.
Vote every day up to 3 TIMES (once per method) for Cure JM during the month of August!
(1) Send Text Vote to Pepsi (73774) Type: 100850 to vote *Standard text messaging rate apply.
(2) Use the Facebook app: Vote directly from the Pepsi site at
People can sign for daily e-mail reminders about voting at If we win the Pepsi Refresh grant, people who signed up for the reminder service will be in a drawing for an iPad, which one of our member has generously agreed to donate.
One year ago ...
- Awkward - 2013
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Proud to be first to reply…..
As sad as it is “the daily permeation of friendship” although a great expression is a function of youth.
You are just fighting aging and this not a simple chore.
As it is said, the pleasures can not be incidental……the longer you live the more you have to work on that.
happy for your success.
I also like that phrase “the daily permeation of friendshipâ€, and miss it.
You’re great to promote Kevin’s cause – I’ve been voting and voting.
Twitter: houseofgirls3
August 11, 2010 at 10:40 am
Friendship was probably the biggest reason why I decided to go… a chance to bond with the amazing people I only see on my computer screen.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that everyone was so much taller than I had anticipated…
That email from Kevin made me cry. As will the reunification of Wendi and Bieber.
See you at lunch!
Twitter: Peajaye
August 11, 2010 at 12:28 pm
re: Wendi’s remark on Bieber – i think you left out the air quotes around “son”.
You are a good friend Marinka, despite what everyone says.
Twitter: Issascrazyworld
August 11, 2010 at 4:55 pm
DAM IT KIR, you stole my comment.
Off to check out the Refresh site.
And friendship? Oh yes, I know what you mean. I don’t think waving at people in the carpool line really cuts it for me anymore.
I am so crossing my fingers that I get to go to Blogher next year. But I totally agree with you on how important friendships are. Both to support and listen to your friends when they need you. Sometime I feel it is a little harder as an adult to make new friends, but well worth it. Also I went to facebook and voted for your friends cause. I sure hope they get to number one.
Twitter: Issascrazyworld
August 11, 2010 at 4:56 pm
Truth? I missed you this year. Nnext year, please don’t be so busy. It doesn’t work well for me.
Twitter: gdrpempress
August 11, 2010 at 5:26 pm
…will go and visit.
oh dear: this made me a bit weepy, in a sweet and pretty way. i must be sober at last.
thx for the sash. i’ve been rushed to the front of the supermarket line twice!
You are welcome to move in down the hall. (I hope you like Star Wars sheets.)
Kevin’s got my vote(s).
Miss you even 24 hours more than yesterday…
Twitter: homeanduncool
August 11, 2010 at 8:39 pm
Thank you, Marinka.
Twitter: Carolynonline
August 11, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I love it when you use your powers for good. Thanks for letting us play with you again this year and bask in your funny.
I enjoyed our “panel” in the hotel lobby, and still haven’t forgiven you for not holding your hand over my mouth before I made a fool of myself at the other panel. However, since we’re practically sisters, I’m sure I’ll get over it.
XXXXX (vote early and often)
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
August 12, 2010 at 9:03 am
Wendi steals all my Bieber material.
I would soooo love to go. Just to meet all the people.
I just dont have the time. At least not till both my kids are out of the house.
I think it is awesome that so many people make it there.
Twitter: shafeename
August 12, 2010 at 8:17 pm
Thats just awesome :)… you go girl
Twitter: CountessMo
August 13, 2010 at 2:34 pm
I agree, that’s really why I go to BlogHer, too. I’m glad we got to spend time together, even if we didn’t get our Annual Post-Event Breakfast in. (Next year!)
I’ve voted for your friend’s cause but thank you for the reminder to keep going back to do it! You’re a good friend for promoting his cause. (There *is* something in it for you, right?)