The other day I was playing mah jongg at a friend’s house and fell in love with her cat, an orange tabby. I’ve always wanted an orange tabby.
I came home and told my husband my tale of woe.
“What are you talking about?” he said, “Nicki is an orange tabby.”
Here is a recent photo of Nicki:
And this is how Husbandrinka sees Nicki:
I don’t even know what to think.
Thanks to my friend Peajaye for orangefying Nicki.
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Twitter: NorthWestMommy
November 5, 2012 at 12:32 pm
Looks like Nicki rolled into curry powder.
Men are notoriously color blind. But, just for fun, substitute his favorite gray sweatshirt with a bright orange one and tell him it’s the same thing. Hilarity will ensue……trust me.
Twitter: highlyirritable
November 5, 2012 at 1:08 pm
He’s eating too many carrots.
I like Bonnie’s suggestion.
See, some think Nicki is a boy…and some think Nicki is orange. I’m so confused.
The lengths people will go to avoid getting another kitty!!
Nicky does look kind of good in Orange, but then again that cat can pull anything off…
Whatever you think it is, keep on thinking it. JUST DON’T WebMD it.
Let me save you the trouble, they’ll tell you “grey cat orange? Tag what you want of his belongings with yellow post-its now.”
proven fact (or maybe not) that more men than women are colorblind. just don’t ever let him select clothing for you.
i agree with the shirt substitution. the carrots idea? i don’t know. maybe just too many bloody marys.
Twitter: MommysMartini
November 5, 2012 at 11:28 pm
I am pretty sure that Husbandrinka has the same vision as the makeup artist who colored Romney for that one photo op:
Huh. Well, I’ll agree with your husband’s assessment when he finds a good rhyme for orange.
I’ve heard of people that see the world through rose colored glasses, didn’t know they had orange ones.
Well he looks kinda orangy don’t you think… especially the second picture 🙂
Twitter: marta28
November 7, 2012 at 5:53 pm
Lol he’s so perceptive. Does he know you’re white?
So it’s not just my husband! I could very well see him saying the same thing – we have a grey/brown/whatever/not orange tabby too. Maybe they’re just not observant. Also our vet, who has been my cat’s vet since the beginning of it’s life, calls him a ‘her’. I worry about his competency if he doesn’t know that basic piece of information to start with.