by Marinka on November 30, 2009
You know how sometimes you’ll read a certain author and your writing sounds like theirs for a while? Well, this weekend I read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. It was fantastic.

Click on the image, twice. It’s like a workout for your finger.
by Marinka on November 29, 2009
So, I’ve decided that my strategy for blogging success will be to steal other bloggers’ ideas. But, you know, only bloggers that I really like, so it’s like a really huge compliment.
This week, I’m honoring The Bloggess, who has a sort-of-weekly round up of things that she did when she wasn’t blogging on her blog. Of course when she’s not blogging, she’s visiting Japan, and I am doing something slightly less exotic, but baby steps, y’all. (Y’all also stolen from The Bloggess. I think she’s Appalachian.)
So here is what I’ve been doing while not blogging here:
Who the fuck are these people who curse in front of children? Motherfucking assholes, that’s who.
A mom asks for advice–should she let 10 year old see New Moon? All her friends are! I tell her what to do.
I was The Bloggess’ comment of the day. But it was like 4 days ago, so I’m pretty much comment of the year at this point.
I took my daughter to the circus. And it was awesome.
Want to win tickets to the opera?
The fabulous Lou Lour interviewed me about my dislike of all things Twilight.