Yesterday, I learned once again, the power of blogging. No, I don’t mean the friendships, the community or any of that nonsense.
I mean using one’s blog to shake down, I mean, to hold huge corporations accountable.
Because when I wrote about the airline stealing my beloved slippers yesterday, not only was I overwhelmed by generous offers from friends and readers to replace the fucking slippers so that I could shut up and stop harping on them already, apparently the airline officials read my post.
I know this because last night, mere hours after I posted, I looked in the side pocket of my black suitcase and found my slippers.
The only possible solution is that the people who stole my slippers saw that they were caught red-handed with my red slippers and decided to return them.
My slippers and I are now reunited. And it feels so good.
One year ago ...
- Socially Awkward - 2013
{ 40 comments… read them below or add one }
Ah — those dame SIDE POCKETS!!!
oops…of course I meant damn instead of of dame :).
Twitter: hokgardner
January 4, 2011 at 10:32 am
I am taking off my black armband and ending my period of mourning on your behalf.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
January 4, 2011 at 11:33 am
I”lll only use this airline for future travel. They clearly have their finger on the pulse of their best (cleverest) customers.
Twitter: jukeboxbarb
January 4, 2011 at 11:34 am
kindly take away the quotation mark and one l. i’m tired.
Twitter: Peajaye
January 4, 2011 at 11:41 am
I’m a little surprised that with all these moms here, no one wrote in yesterday to say, “Have you checked EVERYWHERE in that bag of yours?”
You can not be too careful with these conspirators.
Twitter: noshoppingliz
January 4, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Clearly, these sneaky airline hooligans felt the wrath of Marinka and decided to sneak them into the side pocket while you weren’t looking, hoping to make you think that you had put them in the side pocket yourself. Unbelievable.
oh, the joys.
OMG it’s just like when Dooce got a free fucking BOSCH washing machine after blogging about what a piece of shot her Whirlpool is! This never happens to me.
WOW!!! I’m thinking it was maybe a Gremlin…one of the other bloggers that I read was JUST talking about that!!! SO happy you found your slippers…like Dorthy says, “there’s no place like home”
Twitter: wacdance
January 4, 2011 at 1:47 pm
One would think someone who travels on a weekly basis would know where they put things but I lose things constantly in the side pockets! Ha!
Twitter: gdrpempress
January 4, 2011 at 2:10 pm
How did they get in to your home???? And you didn’t hear a thing?
They’re stealthier than I thought.
It’s like that time I blogged about being a history buff and especially loving anything on the dust bowl and I got an email offering me airfilter coupons.
This JUST happened to me with an iPod charger–except I accused my fiance of being irresponsible for losing it.
And then, it was in the side pocket of MY luggage.
Phew! I can breathe again….
Twitter: HalalaMama
January 4, 2011 at 2:58 pm
OMG. Even Dooce can’t make slippers reappear like that! You have the power!
Twitter: peaceloveguac
January 4, 2011 at 3:13 pm
Did you go through the TSA scanning machines twice to get such incredible service? I mean, delivered to your door! Right back into your suitcase! Your x-rays must be HOT.
Twitter: mommyshorts
January 4, 2011 at 3:26 pm
Once someone stole my engagement ring and put it next to the sink in my guest bathroom. I didn’t even know someone had snuck into the house! Huge wake-up call. We changed the locks.
Twitter: PhoenixRising73
January 4, 2011 at 3:28 pm
I bet Papa made a call. I’m pretty sure he has connections.
Twitter: MommysMartini
January 4, 2011 at 3:36 pm
My keys are forever getting “lost” like that. Once it was because my husband took them to work with him (along with his own keys). Now, whenever I can’t find the keys, I call him with a barely-concealed accusatory tone in my voice and make him check all his pockets. When he can’t find them, I’m sure he just hasn’t looked hard enough (as is always the case with his own belt/wallet/cell phone/etc. which he loses continually at home and I can always find for him despite not having worn/carried them myself). So I hang up still grumpy. Usually, I find them in my own office, on the floor under my desk, or some other absurd place that I obviously did NOT put them myself (it’s true; I always put them away in the key drawer the minute I walk in the door). I think he has small elves to do his bidding and return them to me, so that he doesn’t have to fess up to taking them. I’m betting the airlines do too.
HILARIOUS!!! You are truly a woman after my own heart!
I KNEW IT! YAY! Best feeling ever, isn’t it?
Twitter: suebob
January 4, 2011 at 5:15 pm
One time when my mom was in the hospital, I spent the night at my folks. After my dad had gone to bed, I found a bottle of gin in the liquor closet and made myself a much-needed drink (see: Mom in hospital). I put the bottle in the freezer where it could get nice and cold in case I needed a drink the following night.
When Mom came home, she and Dad called me to ask if I knew who had put the gin in the freezer. No one else had been over, so who was this criminal mastermind that snuck in and put gin in the freezer? They did not suspect me for a moment and they were honestly puzzled.
Congrats! Maybe your thieves were the same ones who took my husband’s wallet and blackberry at a church retreat, got everyone up in arms, and then quietly placed them back in his suitcase in the toe of his spare shoes.
That’s the kind of shit that happens to my kids all the time. We used to blame gremlins but now we’ll blame it on the airlines. Mystery solved! Thanks!
Twitter: grandemocha
January 4, 2011 at 5:47 pm
I have done this too! You are hilarious!
Twitter: theflyingchlupa
January 5, 2011 at 1:33 am
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can’t stop laughing. Although for a moment, I really believed that airline officials actually read your blog.
Totally feasible, right? I mean, you’re Motherhood in Goddamn NYC, fer cryin’ out loud!
Case closed, Dorothy. You are red-slippered once more.
Many is the lipstick that has been returned to me this way….
Twitter: BigPieceofCake
January 5, 2011 at 7:53 am
News of this should rocket you to the top of all of those “most influencial blogger/tweeter” lists. Or maybe you’re there already… Either way – I’m so glad to hear that your slippers were returned. No one should start the new year with cold feet.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
January 5, 2011 at 10:01 am
Wow. Those airlines are so clever. Sneaking into your house and all to return those slippers. I’m so glad your feet are toasty warm again.
Twitter: scarymommy
January 5, 2011 at 10:36 am
Simply amazing!!
Twitter: gonnakillhim
January 5, 2011 at 10:40 am
You know, my parents once had a TSA official jacket ‘appear’ in their backyard. They called the airline and they sent an officer over to collect it. Weirdest damn thing – another one showed up at the same time the next day. My parents are convinced it fell out of a jet (they lived near the airport), but the airline did give them a lot of vouchers to keep quiet about their falling jackets. So maybe you could spin this into a Jamaican trip since they DEFINITELY stole those shoes and then replaced them after they did some dancing around…
Twitter: annsrants
January 5, 2011 at 11:30 am
The great lengths bloggers will go to just to get hits.
Wow. Reminds me of my mother yelling at my brother-in-law for losing my wedding veil, only to find it in her closet a year later. Obviously he had flown to Indiana and snuck into her boudoir.
Why did your brother in law have your veil? What kind of a family is this? (Glad he returned it!)
Twitter: Goodgirlgonered
January 5, 2011 at 4:24 pm
Most excellent. I love it. Surely somehow they were overwhelmed with the support you received. Absolutely must be what happened.
Damn, woman! That’s two posts I’ve read out to him now. I’ve now used my quota for next week already.
Twitter: FairlyOddMother
January 6, 2011 at 10:44 am
My sister once posted a comment that my reaction to anything lost is as follows: “Where is that CD? Wha– someone STOLE IT! Oh, I can’t believe someone would steal… oh, here is it!”
Clearly we were separated at birth.