Right now I’m in the midst of BlogHer euphoria.
I’m preparing for BlogHer.  You know, the usual. Making sure I enough business cards, maybe a new dress, a pair of sandals, getting a facial transplant.
But soon I know that I’ll be overwhelmed with BlogHer guilt. I’m leaving my family to go to have fun?  To be among my people?
Why, yes, yes, I am.
Because last year, when I sat at breakfast at BlogHer with eight or so friends and we were all on our BlackBerrys, laptops, iPhones, texting across the table, and across the room and beyond, I truly felt that I was with people who get me. Or at least who are distracted enough with their own e-communitcation to not think that my texting was rude.
I can’t wait to reunite.
There are tons of people that I can’t wait to meet and even more that I can’t wait to see again, in reruns.
And this year I’m doing something different. I’m throwing a Mouthy Housewives party.
And the party going to  be fantastic.
I was talking about it on G-chat Neilochka the other day and he casually mentions that he doesn’t really see me as “the party throwing type.”
And then, after stewing about it for a few days, I decide to ask him why he said that. Â And he responds with this:
Uh, well…because I have met you. I haven’t seen evidence of you getting wildly drunk, jumping into the pool with clothes on or making out with the bartender.
Seriously, is this what you look for in a hostess?
I think it may be one of those this is the difference between men and women things. Â Because what I look for in a party hostess is an ability to keep my drink refreshed and not rubbing up against my date.
Other than that, I’m good. Â Â No need to jump into the pool, fully, or even partially clothed. Â (That’s what the Real Housewives are for.)
Want to know another difference between boys and girls? Â Here is the birthday card that my daughter made for Mama (babulya is Russian for beloved grandmother):
And this is Young Ladrinka’s card for Mama:
Back to the party!
The Mouthy Housewives are gearing up for a great night–Friday, August 6th, from 7:30 to 10 pm, at the super deluxe 48 Lounge. Â We have fantastic sponsors, wine and non-alcoholic drinks, food and 150 fantastic bloggers* (that’s you!)
We will open the RSVPs this Thursday, July 15th, at 12:30 pm EST; follow @MouthyHousewife on Twitter for the link!
I can’t wait to party with you.
Come on out and help me prove Neilochka wrong.
* Well, 150 bloggers and Papa. Â Papa: What time is your party? Marinka: I’m not sure you’re invited, it’s just for bloggers. Â Papa: But what about my fans?!
Do you want your brand at our party? Â Limited opportunities available! Â Contact us at ask@mouthyhousewives.com for details.
See you soon!
One year ago ...
- Toothbrush - 2013
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I share in your euphoria. My new cards just arrived. Now I wish I would’ve hired Young Ladrinka to do them.
Twitter: Mamabirddiaries
July 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm
Neil is insane. You are clearly the party throwing type. As long as you can text all the guests and don’t actually have to talk to them.
oh, wish i could go to NY to meet you and other bloggers, and enjoy the delights of BlogHer events. i look forward to reading everyones posts and seeing pictures. i think you would throw a great party. are you giving out goody bags? doing party games, like, musical chairs? drunk women walking around in circles, sitting on eachother or falling off chairs…that’s a great party. is alcohol even served or is BlogHer a dry conference? have fun and take care.
Now I’m all tensed and prepped for Thursday morning. Honing my RSVPing skills. Until I forget and miss it and then I’ll sob because I can’t party with the MH.
I’m pretending this is not happening. Excuse me.
Twitter: CocoAtScreaming
July 13, 2010 at 6:32 am
Wish I were able to go. I would def want to meet Papa. And Mama.
Twitter: CocoAtScreaming
July 13, 2010 at 6:34 am
PS…I have been so busy I totally forgot to let you know that the iGo charger arrived on Thursday. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway. Tell those sponsors to bring it on.
Twitter: grandemocha
July 13, 2010 at 9:47 am
I’m a fan of Papa. And the pink crocs. Wish I could go.
Oh! I’d love to go, thanks!
Wait. Oh yeah. I’m NOT GOING TO BLOGHER. Thankssomuch for reminding me of the fun I’ll be missing, MaRINka!
Watch your back, girl.
Twitter: gonnakillhim
July 13, 2010 at 11:17 am
I’m suddenly desiring a facial transplant too. I really want Julia’s, but her people haven’t gotten back to me about whether she’d swap for mine. I’d be happy to exchange bank accounts too.
I am so excited to meet you, and I’m not the party throwing (or going) type, but I’m thrilled to go to yours.
PAPA’S GOING TO BE THERE?! Oh well, then I’m definitely going to be tuning in on Thursday at 12:30. The combo of Marinka and Papa is not to be missed under any circumstances.
Twitter: homeanduncool
July 13, 2010 at 1:31 pm
I think Neil was just upset that at the Aiming Low party, you were making out with me and not him.
I think Neil is reading too many wild and crazy BlogHer posts because most of the people I met and talked to last year were too busy networking and chatting to get drunk and jump into a pool. Not many people wanted to – all the business cards we collected would melt.
Twitter: gdrpempress
July 13, 2010 at 6:42 pm
Oh my gosh…papa!
He’s my favorite character in your life!
aargh. i don’t tweet or text or do anything cool, but i still want to come to your party. i’ll be the one at blogher w/ business cards that look like ladrinka’s notebook paper.
Twitter: houseofgirls3
July 14, 2010 at 1:59 am
My BlogHer roomie (A Lil’ Welsh Rarebit) sent me the invite this morning and told me she’s actually going to join Twitter JUST so she can RSVP for your party … she also mentioned how much fun she had with you last year at BlogHer. So I’m hoping that I remember to get on the computer Thurs am… it’s a lot of pressure for me. 🙂
Twitter: Issascrazyworld
July 14, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Okay, this is the first time that I’ve fully understood the party/RSVP twitter thing. I was literally thinking….if I email her one more stupid thing this month, she may unfriend me. Of course you wouldn’t really do that would you? Then no one would tweet at you from the seat next to you at breakfast.
I’d forgotten about that. 🙂
I had great plans to one up myself this year at Blogher. The plans needed a proper unveiling and I thought where better than at a MouthyHousewives Party?! Le sigh….my pantless ‘I am not an assistant but a stunt double’ entrance will have to wait until next year.
Twitter: unlikelymama
July 15, 2010 at 12:24 pm
For once, I have impeccable timing! T-minus 6 minutes and counting down for the link to go live!
oh how i wish i could be there! 🙂 i can feel your excitement.
Twitter: neilochka
July 15, 2010 at 2:42 pm
I saw photos of the Evo Conference. Everyone jumped into the pool at the end of the party, with their clothes on. And I know for a fact, that there is a fountain right on 6th Avenue. Think of the publicity for Mouthy Housewives.
I was sleeping (have a newborn so I take it when I can get it) at the RSVP time and was so bummed to be waitlisted. BUT a friend came to the rescue and I’m so psyched that I have a ticket! I’ll be there with bells on!
Twitter: thecheckoutgirl
July 20, 2010 at 7:54 pm
I will cut as many bitches as it takes to get off of this supposed “wait list”. When will people realize that I am a big fucking deal?
Damnity damn damn damn. I have just purchased a used BlogHer ticket off somebody, and I missed all the RSVPing for the parties! Do you think if I just show up and look fabulous someone will take pity and let me in? I’ll bring hostess gifts!
Wait… there’s a pool at the party? SWEET!!!!!!!!
Just kidding. I’m not the jumping into the pool with my nice dress on type of girl.
I will say that 2 glasses of wine and I can’t see straight. So I hope we get to talks lots and lots before the wine hits me. After that… WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Just kidding, again. I will be very well composed and act like a respectable lady all night long.